Know the Names of the Angels and Their Duty with Media Puzzle


  • Dina Mei Lia Student Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education
  • Siti Fauzia Malihat Student Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education
  • Jovita Putri Gobel Gorontalo State University
  • Regita Sugeha Student Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education
  • Abdul Rahmat Student Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education


Media, Learning, Puzzle


Puzzles are form the game in it there is activity unpack and assemble return pieces or picture Becomes form complete picture. Activity our project ie about “Knowing the Names of Angels Together With The task With Using Media Puzzles”. As for goals from making project with using the media Puzzle is for practice spikomotor children participant educate school basic. Children age school base also earn supplies with related education about religious, yes increase aspect development physique cognitive and attitude high religious. In Settings atmosphere in class our must arrange in a manner comfortable and fun, the participants educate could with free express and create at the same time match the puzzle accordingly with place that has been set.




How to Cite

Dina Mei Lia, Siti Fauzia Malihat, Jovita Putri Gobel, Regita Sugeha, & Abdul Rahmat. (2022). Know the Names of the Angels and Their Duty with Media Puzzle. Global Scientific Review, 10, 28–33. Retrieved from




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