Knowing Merdeka Curriculum Through Posters and Developing Student Creativity Through Drawing and Sticking Activities


  • Faradila Umar Elementary School Teacher Education Students
  • Dhea M. Z. Witono Elementary School Teacher Education Students
  • Nur Indriani Asludin Elementary School Teacher Education Students Lecturer of Introduction to Education Prof.Dr. Abdul Rahmat S. Sos. I.M.Pd Gorontalo State University, Jl. General Sudirman No. 6 dulalowo east
  • Abdul Rahmat Elementary School Teacher Education Students Lecturer of Introduction to Education Prof.Dr. Abdul Rahmat S. Sos. I.M.Pd Gorontalo State University, Jl. General Sudirman No. 6 dulalowo east
  • Risnawati S. Nanok Elementary School Teacher Education Students Lecturer of Introduction to Education Prof.Dr. Abdul Rahmat S. Sos. I.M.Pd Gorontalo State University, Jl. General Sudirman No. 6 dulalowo east


independence learning, poster, creativity


Free Learning program policy this made without reason. That said this program triggered too because see many complaints from parents to the ongoing education system During this. Freedom to learn is one effort for liberate method students and teachers in think and create. because it, we take idea design practice “Know Merdeka Curriculum Through Posters and Developing Creativity Student Through Activity Drawing and Pasting”. Tools and materials used ie paper cardboard, various picture about learn, double tip, and scissors. The reason we took design this for educate participant educate them knowing that learning no only in space class course, but can outside class for example like in the garden.




How to Cite

Faradila Umar, Dhea M. Z. Witono, Nur Indriani Asludin, Abdul Rahmat, & Risnawati S. Nanok. (2022). Knowing Merdeka Curriculum Through Posters and Developing Student Creativity Through Drawing and Sticking Activities. Global Scientific Review, 10, 15–19. Retrieved from




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