Ways To Develop Creative Skills Of Students In Science Education


  • Saparov Kalandar Abdullayevich Tashkent named after Nizami State Pedagogical University Department of "Zoology and Anatomy".
  • Хasanova Sevara Giyosiddinovna Under the presidential administration Development of education republic scientific and methodical center


educational system, natural science education, creativity


In our country, a lot of reforms are being carried out by the educational system management bodies in order to achieve high indicators of educational processes in general education institutions. The formation and development of students as creative individuals depends on the mutual compatibility of changes in their internal and external world, socio-economic conditions, and the implementation of tasks aimed at increasing their creative qualities in educational processes. These practical activities create the need for students to achieve new achievements, move forward to a certain extent, help to develop their learning abilities to some extent. In particular, in the education of natural sciences (SCIENCE), it is possible to achieve a high level of mastery of this science by developing creativity, development of new ideas, and pursuit of innovations




How to Cite

Saparov Kalandar Abdullayevich, & Хasanova Sevara Giyosiddinovna. (2024). Ways To Develop Creative Skills Of Students In Science Education. Global Scientific Review, 23, 20–24. Retrieved from http://scienticreview.com/index.php/gsr/article/view/361


