Gorontalo State University Medical Students Perspective On Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (Fgm/C)


  • Maimun Ihsan Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia
  • Novianty Djafri Faculty of Education, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia
  • Isman Yusuf Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia


Female Genital Mutilation, Cutting, perspective


Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) from a health perspective Cutting or damaging healthy genital tissue has been proven to have no benefits, but on the contrary, FGM/C is a painful and traumatic procedure that disrupts the body's natural functions. Considering that Gorontalo is a strong region in preserving FGM/C practices, it is hoped that policies can be initiated at various Medical Faculties, Midwifery Faculties and Midwifery Schools to include a curriculum regarding FGM/C and its complications as a local content course. The quantitative method used is. The instrument is a questionnaire distributed via Google form. held in November 2023 at the medical faculty of Gorontalo State University




How to Cite

Maimun Ihsan, Novianty Djafri, & Isman Yusuf. (2023). Gorontalo State University Medical Students Perspective On Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting (Fgm/C). Global Scientific Review, 22, 27–39. Retrieved from http://scienticreview.com/index.php/gsr/article/view/312


